Saturday, October 10, 2009

Terrible week

I've been having a rough week. Really rough week. And my head hasn't been in the game at all. With everything that has been going on my eating and exercise took a little turn for the worst. However, I still managed to lose 0.8 pounds which has dipped me into the 242's for the first time.

Did I also mention that I am PMSing?

I'm feeling better. I went to bed at 8pm on Wednesday night and slept straight through until my alarm went off and felt much better. I must have needed the sleep.

A friend of mine ran her first 5k today. I am waiting to hear her results. She has lost nearly 100 pounds. I am so proud of her. So proud.

The hubby is working on the car (again) today. I'm not even going to begin to talk about it right now because it will just depress me even more. I'm trying to think about happier things.

Sharing a car sucks. I know I've mentioned that before.

I was supposed to go down to my sisters for a tag sale today but that didn't happen. We could have used some extra money should I have sold anything. Again-trying to thing of better things.

Hopefully everyone is having a great Saturday!!


Mrs Swan said...

Sorry! I feel you on the money stress! I also agree with your horrible week statement as well. This week has been a doosey.

Chantelle {fat mum slim} said...

Wishing you all the best for a new, lovely week. x

Fran said...

Hope that you have been feeling better today and that next week will be a great week for you.