Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I gained but I'm not down for the count

I gained last week. I totally know I deserved it. I had a really hard Sunday. But I was still really pissed off about it. And I was ready to throw my scale out the window.

But considering that since I finally got my butt in gear and starting losing weight again (March) I think this is only my second gain, I really can't complain. And 1.4 pounds is not a lot. Not enough to make me go up a pant size. Just because I went totally mad crazy on Halloween with my eating didn't mean I didn't work out 5 times. It didn't mean I didn't get right back on track on Monday. It didn't mean that today I fit into several pair of size 14 jeans. A size 14 mini skirt. A large top. So I gained. Big Effing deal. Right?

It didn't stop me from working my ass off these past few days. I really busted my ass this morning. I got at 5am and hit the gym earlier then normal because we were bringing my Mom to the airport because she was heading home. But I wanted to workout before she left. I ran for 12 minutes straight. I felt amazing doing it, too. I would have kept going if I could have, believe me.

Let me give an amazing shout out right now. My awesome friend ran the NYC Marathon on Sunday and after watching and trying to see her (yes, I knew I wouldn't but it didn't stop me) I wanted to sign up for it on Monday. Which I didn't do. But still. Maybe 2012 I might run it. You never know. But she is awesome and amazing and funny and fantastic and I am so proud to say I know her!!

So I hope to see a decent loss this week. We'll see. I have been starving all day today. I burnt 493 calories at the gym and I swear I need to eat more now that I am running again. I'm trying to lift more weights, too. I have um...well..a little loose skin issue this time around. I didn't have that last time. Probably because I went from 242 pounds to 184 in like 8 months. Maybe? What do my fellow runners suggest to eat?


Phoenix said...

Throw your name in the hat!!! It's a year from now, you can absolutely do it! If you don't get in, you're one year closer to guaranteed entry the following year! I want this for you!!!! :)

Good for you on the workouts and not letting the scale rule your life. I'm sure you were hot stuff trying on those clothes! You go, girl!!

Thank you so much for the love and support! This experience would not have been as rewarding if I didn't have such great friends to share it with.


christina said...

ALOT can change in a year - you could be ready if you wanted it... I agree with the top post.

I started as a nonrunner this past spring and rocked a half marathon in Oct and Im signing up for a full in April.... its an amazing high!

Great job realizing that a gain doesnt define you!

Anonymous said...

Sarah - You totally rock! You have been doing so well. So happy to see that the gain didn't break your spirirt. Keep on going strong.

ashley said...

i was so inspired by all the nyc marathon coverage that i entered a lottery application.. maybe i'll get in and get to plan a nyc trip.. not counting on it though. :)

Carolina John said...

a little gain last week can turn into a big loss this week. happens all the time on the biggest loser. keep your chin up!

chris mcpeake said...

Dont worry about a little gain just keep at it. the NYC marathon is a good goal to set for yourself