Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The big decision

I made a huge decision. A HUGE one.

I decided not to run my half marathon in October.

I'm going to admit I am a treadmill runner. I trained for my last one on it. I just enjoy it. I don't mind getting on the treadmill and turning on my music and going. And going and going and going. It doesn't bother me at all. I get lost in the music, in my thoughts, etc.

But ever since I started my training for my half marathon on the 31st, I have felt a huge amount of pressure and I just have HATED it. I have hated the thought of running. Hated the thought of getting up and doing x amount of miles today because it calls for it. I want to be able to get on the treadmill and run how ever many miles I want to do because I feel like it.

Don't get me wrong, I am in AWE of all of you who go out on the road (or trails) and run and enjoy it. I want to do that but I just don't. I know some people hate the treadmill and call it the treadmill, but that just isn't me. I know I will probably never run a marathon and I'm fine with that. I ran my half marathon and I'm happy with it. I accomplished that. And I can run a half again if I want to do that. I'm just not ready to do it right now.

I sat down with my husband last night and told him and he supports me 100%. He wants me to be happy and not stress about my exercise. I just want to exercise and not stress about it and worry that I didn't train enough, etc, etc.

Call me what you will, say what you will, but I just needed to do that. I wasn't ready for another half right now.

Now, make sure you run over to Running off the Reese's and check out her giveaway Run Less, Run Faster.


ElleBee said...

Sarah, I think it's great that you're listening to your gut feeling instead of doing something that makes you unhappy. If you enjoy running on the treadmill then just do that and be happy! :)

Laurie said...

I definitely think you don't need to race if you don't enjoy it! I love following a plan, but I know my BFF is like you, she prefers the treadmill and has no interest in racing.

Miss Felicity said...

Hey Sarah, i couldnt get into my email to EMAIl you. But are you waiting to put up the layout until I add the "h" to your name? LOL Or have you just not been able to figure it out yet? If you arent happy with the layout I dont mind touching it up to your liking, please just let me know :) thanks!

Phoenix said...

Do things because you love them. Hartford will be there every year if you decide that's what you want to do eventually. Running on the treadmill because you love it is way better than hating the drudgery of a program. And you get to avoid the snakes. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you posted this. I get confused when I read about people hating the treadmill. I can remember YEARS ago wishing I had one and being envious of people who had them. I eventually got one (a crappy one) and preferred walking on it to trying to walk for exercise outside.

And now, the treadmill is my BFF at the gym. (Well, the treadmill and the weight machines are my two BFFs)

Good for you for making the right decision for YOU. Sometimes that's really hard to do.

carla said...

Im with everyone else and you in that Im a treadrunner.
With the real housewives in tow.
I finally own that, too.


Carolina John said...

a) you can - and should - run a full marathon one day. it's the perfect celebration of your weight loss. Ask my wife, that's why she did it.

2) There are plenty of halfs and everyone trains for them in a different way. I tend to stick to the treadmill for time/consistency/weather purposes. If you aren't feeling this training cycle on the treadmill, abandoning is a better call than forcing yourself to do something you hate.

III) all you have to be is awesome. and it seems like you've got that pretty well covered. Rock on girl.