Saturday, September 11, 2010

Weigh in...

Just a quick update on the weight loss this week.

Down 1.4 pounds. I weighed in at 192.6 pounds. I'm so happy. I wanted to be 192 for when we went on vacation so it looks like that is probably going to happen. As long as I lose again this coming week.

I have a lot going on. Some of you I told on twitter last night. THANK YOU for your support, etc.

Please feel free to email me at or whatever. I may not be posting too much for awhile. I locked up my twitter. Had to. So...

Happy weekend. I'm still around. Just got a lot going on.


Phoenix said...

YEAH!!!!!!! WTG, girl!

Blubeari said...

Congrats!!! That is a great loss for a week. :-)

Anonymous said...


ElleBee said...

Congrats on the loss Sarah!

Take care of yourself girl. :)