Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Update coming soon!!

I'm alive! New post coming soon!!

I promise!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Are you Yonannas?

At my Weight Watchers meeting on Friday (what? yes....) someone brought up a device that they had apparently spoken about the week before. Since I had just rejoined Friday (what? yes...) I didn't know what they heck they were talking about. So when I got home I immediately Googled it.

It's called Yonanas and it's the best invention EVER!! It turns frozen fruit into frozen yogurt. I ordered mine from Amazon on Saturday and it came today. I already made used it and it was HEAVEN!!

I can't wait to use it again. They have all these recipes inside to add chocolate and stuff, but I didn't add that. Just strawberries. Sooooo good!!

Last week was a sucky week for me. I'm admitting. I was depressed and didn't eat well and I just couldn't shake whatever was bringing me down. But this week? This week I am ready to CRUSH IT!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Today I recommitted myself to EVERYTHING!

I recommitted myself to weight loss. To eating healthy. To working out. To being the best me I can be.

For some reason, this was the week from hell for me when it came to eating and exercise. Well, not the exercise so much. I worked out 4 times, so that isn't horrible. I mean, a lot of people don't even workout at all. So...

I'm feel good about this. I feel like I can do it. I KNOW I can do it. I will do it.

And it's hard to believe that it's been just about a year I ran my half marathon!! I'm wearing my half marathon shirt tomorrow when I go to the gym. The actual date is the 20th, but still.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Getting myself together

It's no secret that I've been struggling with my weight loss.

It's probably while I haven't been posting here as much. When I'm doing good with my eating and exercise I feel good and I want to share it with the world. When I'm not? Well, I don't really feel I have a lot to talk about and I just read all your blogs inside.

This week has been really hard for me food wise. My exercise has continued to be really good. I worked out Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Most of it is PMS/TOM. I know that. I don't know why this week has been so difficult.

For the past couple of months I've been counting calories and I've realized that just doesn't work for me. What works? Weight Watchers. That is how I lost the weight and that is what I need to do. The week I was sick with Bronchitis last month I counted points and I lost 3 pounds. Why didn't I stick with it? I don't know. I guess because I felt I was better again and needed to go back to counting calories. But that doesn't work. I ended up gaining again and I haven't gotten back down to 169.8 pounds yet.

I know I'm going to be up this week. I don't want to even think about the scale right now. I'm frustrated and upset with myself. Last year at this time I was 160 pounds. It's really sad.

So, I have decided that I am going to start counting my points again and start posting here EVERY DAY!! Even if it's just a little something. I hope it helps me to stay on track and to get back to down to 160 pounds.

I may or may not weigh in this week. I might get too upset about it. So I might just wait until next week. Some of the weight will most likely be because of TOM but still. I'll have to see how I feel on Saturday.

Is it me or has this been a really LONG week??

Monday, March 12, 2012


I updated my weight. It's my actual weight as of Saturday. Believe it or not, it's actually down from where it was a couple weeks ago. The scale IS moving down. Just slowly. I'm okay with that. I'm happy that it's moving at all. I lost 0.6 this week. I'll take it. I don't care if I lose 0.6 pounds every week. A loss is a loss.

The weight gain sort of snuck up on me. One minute I was 160 pounds and the next I was 165 and the next I was 170. You get the idea. I'm just happy it's going back down again. The best part is that I'm losing inches. The gym is helping me with that.

Right now I'm a huge funk due to PMS and TOM. It sucks. I had to drag myself to the gym and no, I did not enjoy it. It sucked the entire time while I was there. I wanted to stab myself in the eye with my water bottle while I was there. Fun times. Hopefully it will pass soon. I hate feeling like this.

And losing an hour of sleep SUCKED! I don't remember it sucking so much. I'm still tired.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Texas I'm coming for yoooouuu!!

That's right. Texas is actually happening.

April 27th I fly in. I'm too excited about it. The husband will be working during the day which leaves me hanging out with his bosses wife and sister during the day. Awkward. But, I plan to have FUN! And shop. And eat. And shop. And eat.

I've been doing pretty good about my eating and exercise since I started back to the gym. Except for that one week where I was sick and missed some workouts. But, I can't help that. I've worked out 5 days week for about 4 of the last 5 weeks. Not bad. But I want to get up to 6 days until Houston. I can do it. I want to do it. So, starting tomorrow I plan to do that. I have been taking Monday and Thursday as my rest days. I need to decide to keep as an off day. I'll figure it out.

I may not have lost that much weight, but I've lost inches and I can really feel that my clothes are getting loose.


Monday, March 5, 2012

My new tattoo!!

Hello my loves!! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.

I had a little bit of a mental breakdown yesterday about my flabby stomach and how I hate wearing jeans because of my muffin top. Seriously. I hate it. I'm never going to have a flat stomach without surgery because of the extra skin. But, because I want to have a child within the next couple of years, why have surgery to remove the skin now? I'm just going to have to do it again. Right? Right.

Yesterday was my tattoo day. I was very excited about it. I've been wanting to get a new tattoo since I got my last once in 2010. And I think it came out great:

Yes, it hurt. Everyone kept asking me that at work. They don't tickle. But, I don't mind because I have 5 now. And want more.

I did, however, have the most amazing french fries yesterday. Holy moly. They were so good. They were sweet potato fries. They were so good. Yep. French fries. I've been craving fried food for about a week. So I needed to do something about it. What can you do??

To let my arm heal a bit, I didn't workout today. I usually take Monday off anyway, so it wasn't a big deal. But, I'll be back at it tomorrow!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


I think I figured it out!

I rejoined the gym a little over a month ago. I've been busting my ass and really working hard. But the scale hasn't budged. The only time it did was the week I was sick and that was only because I didn't eat. As soon as I got my appetite back, I gained the 2 pounds back I lost.

I'm not eating enough. If I spend 2 hours a day at the gym 5 days a week? That is a lot of calories burnt. So I upped my food intake Thursday and Friday and this morning the scale actually went down. 0.6 but it went down.

SUCCESS!!! I'll keep doing that and see if it helps.

Just so you know, I'm doing about 60 minutes of cardio and 60 minutes of weights. I'm trying so hard to tone up and lean out. I'm sick of the flab. This stomach is never going to go away without surgery, but I can try!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bad blogger

I've been a horrible blogger. I don't know what my problem is.

Maybe because I don't feel I have much to blog about right now.

My weight isn't moving. I feel like I'm working out like an animal and the weight isn't coming off. I'm 10 pounds heavier than I was last year at this time. It's not where I want to be. But who wants to hear me bitch and moan about that?

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Am I eating too much? Am I not eating enough? I think I need to go back to what I was doing when the weight was falling off and I do but it just doesn't fall off. Is running too much for my body? Am I really not eating enough? What do I need to do to lose the weight? Houston is 2 months away and I want to drop 10 pounds before we go. Yes, I have lost inches, but I want to lose POUNDS. Crying on my scale is not what I want to do. (and yes, I did that this morning).

I'm not UNhappy with my weight, but I don't want to stay at this weight. I want to be leaner. Notice I didn't say skinner. Because that is not what I'm going for. I want to look like this again:No, not drunk and stupid. But in a pair of 8 pants and a small top. With muscle tone that is somewhat THERE.

In other news, I'm getting a new tattoo this weekend. I'm very excited about it. Pictures will be posted.