Monday, December 26, 2011

The aftermath

Christmas is over. It was fabulous. I had a great holiday with my family and friends.

I tried not to eat too much yesterday. It wasn't too hard to be honest. I wasn't feeling all that great and so by the time we got too my sisters house, I just wanted a cold drink and to sit down and rest. It's rough when your up until midnight on Christmas Eve, up at 7am Christmas morning, at your inlaws by 10:30am and so on. I was hungry, but didn't really want to eat much. So I ate, but didn't stuff myself. And I was so very full after the small things I did eat.

It was a very workout Christmas for me present wise. I got kettlebells, medicine balls and a bosu ball. I asked for all of them and I got them!! I also got two DVD's. One is Jillian Micheals for Kettlebells and one is the Biggest Loser for Kinect. I also go shot bloks. I can always use plenty of those.

My husband got me two running decals. One that reads Run Like A Girl and the other says I'd Rather Be Running. Plus for my Pandora bracelet he got me two running charms. One that says 13.1 and the other says I heart Running. He knows me so well.

I got calenders, candy, Kashi bars, magnets, clothes, gift cards (hello Target!!), money, and so much more.

It was a great Christmas. Except for my back. Which I hurt on Friday night by falling asleep on my couch. It was a little sore when I woke up on Saturday but I ignored it and went for a 5 mile run anyway. That run was fantastic. I really loved it and was smiling from ear to ear when I was done. My back? Not so much. I was in some serious pain. When I was wrapping gifts later on, I was sitting on the floor and when I got up, I cried it hurt so bad. I haven't been in this much pain in almost a year. Not since I started seeing the Chiropractor.

I'm happy to say I feel better today. My back is not 100% but it is not wear it was on Saturday. I have to make sure I sit on something with a back and not fall asleep on that damn couch again. The last time I had issues it was because of the couch. I wouldn't want to try and run today (although I could use a good run) but tomorrow I should feel up to it. I may try out my new DVD's but we'll see. I don't want to rush it. I need to make sure I'm 100% before I get back to working out.

January 1st is looming. I am looking forward to it. I've been successful in keeping off 120 pounds this year, but I want to lose more. I've decided, after seeing photos of myself yesterday at Christmas, I want to get down to 140 pounds. I am going to go back to 100% clean eating (coffee creamer has gotten into my coffee again!!) and exercising 5-6 days a week. It's only 26.6 pounds. It can be done.

I have today and tomorrow off and go back to work for 3 days before having another 3 day weekend. Hared to believe my Mom goes home next week. She has been with my sister for a week but is coming back here today.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Or Hanukkah.

1 comment:

Pinky said...

I'm glad you had a great Christmas Sarah, though I'm sorry about your back. These holidays can be great fun but also quite stressful, eh?

I had a workout themed or rather running themed Christmas too... I guess this is serious business, having the hobbies that we do!

Wishing you a great New Year's as well and all the best to you in 2012.