Monday, May 4, 2009

Before and after (before now)

This is me in 2004. This is what I am trying to get back to. I was around 150 pounds here. Obviously I am not that thin now. I'm 104 pounds heavier then I want to be.

I do not have a current photo of myself but I look a little something like this This picture was taken in 2000 at my bridal shower. I am NOT that tan in real life. Ha ha. I was tanning for my wedding. My guess is I was around 250 pounds but I'm not sure.

Thanks for the comments. I totally know I'm not burning off nearly as many calories as I'm taking in. I need to workout more. But like I said before, lately I'm either awesome with my food and not so great with my exercise or super awesome with my exercise and not so much when it comes to eating. I KNOW I know how to lose weight (see above photos for that) but I just can't seem to get my shit together. Ugh!

So yeah, a challenge. Still not sure if I can handle a challenge but if you are interested or have some ideas then you can email me at If I get enough people and maybe someone who can make a cool graphic (any ideas on what that should say?) we might do this.


Shelley said...

You are adorable. I know that ugh feeling. I've been in my own little slump the last couple months. I wish there was a mojo button we could flip on to get re-motivated. You obviously know what to do if you did it before...have you tried finding a friend or cohort to workout/lose weight with to help get motivated?

karen said...

You know, sweetie, you don't necessarily have to do all the nitty gritty challenge stuff on your own. I'm sure that if you asked you would get quite a few who would be willing to take over/help out with a piece of the challenge pie here and there!

Carolina John said...

get your shit together woman! I'm going on a fruit and veg smoothie kick. sounds like you need a physical goal to get yourself in the gym, like a half marathon or something. i think a sprint triathlon is easier and more fun than a half marathon, maybe look into a local one.

hey, you can always count on people online to kick you when you need it, right?

Anonymous said...

You have such determination and strength and you will reach your goal. I think we all can relate to what your saying about getting your act together. Either we do good with the exercising and lousy with the eating or just the opposite. Just look at your picture from 2004, you know you can do this and you know you will do it. We are all here for each other and we all will reach our goals.

Yeah i'm going to e-mail you about the challenge because I'm very much interested.