Monday, May 11, 2009

She has lost 113 pounds

I saw my brother-in-laws girlfriend yesterday for the first time since Christmas. She has lost 113 pounds all together and I’m quite jealous. She looks fantastic. She wants to drop another 30 pounds which would put her at around 200 pounds. Keep in mind that she is 6 foot 3 inches. She looks so awesome and I am so incredibly jealous. I knew she was going to look good and for a few minutes I had a super hard time even LOOKING at her, never mind talking to her.


I am happy for her, don’t get me wrong but it hurts just a little bit.

I hope that everyone had a super awesome Mother’s Day. I wish my Mom wasn’t so far away but I talked to her for almost 2 hours yesterday. Then we went over to my in-laws house.

I was so hungry when I got home last night. I didn’t have time to eat lunch before we went out and I was ready to eat ANYTHING when we got home. But I was able to keep it under control.

I need to get in some more exercise. I’ve been slacking again.

I have a ton of work to finish up before 5pm Wednesday. I’m off Thursday and Friday so I’m trying to get as much done as I can.


Carolina John said...

hang in there sarah. you showed a loss this week, that's a good thing. we spent the entire weekend wiht my mil 2 hours away, then dinner with my mom sunday night.

and wow at the bil's girl. that's some big numbers.

Natasha said...

You can still join the challenge! I'm excited that you want to. If you have any questions about it feel free to e-mail me at I'm looking forward to reading about your progress!