Tuesday, March 29, 2011

7 Day Chip

I started 7 Day Chip today. What is 7 Day Chip? Well click right here and you will find out out.

For 7 Days (and I'm hoping more) I am giving up those damn evil Kashi Bars. Those things are like crack to me. The Chocolate Kashi Caramel Chocolate Bars. Oh my. I eat like 2 a day. And that is not clean. They are 2 points each. So... I am hoping to give them up for a week. And then go from there.

After a week I want to try and give up the Skinny Cow Brownie Cup ice creams. But we'll see what happens.

Anyway. I still need to post my 1/2 marathon post. But I haven't finished it yet. I had a rough weekend. I ate a lot on Sunday. But that was because my back was so sore and I was depressed about it. But I got over it and realized I'm only human. I'm not the same Sarah I was a year ago. I have to remember that taking a couple days off from running is not going to make me gain 100 pounds and put me back into a size 20 pant. I'm still in 10's.

I tried on a pair of my size 8's. They zip. I have a muffin top. But they zip. I hope to be in them by summer. I can do that. I WILL do that.


Katie Warren said...

good luck on your 7daychip! I love the support from the twitter group. =)

ThunderThighs said...

Hey rock the muffin top, it's so worth it!!! I can't believe you are so close to your goal!!! Yay!!! That's so awesome!!!!!!

BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

Good luck on the chip!

Anonymous said...

You can do it! We're here to help!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I have one of those skinny cow brownie cups almost every day (soo tempting).
Your progress is an inspiration.