Friday, May 6, 2011

I've got a secret

Bitches, my 5K is on Sunday! I'm so excited for it. That's right. EXCITED! I'm not nervous at all. Alright, so maybe that's a bit of a lie. But I can't wait. And my husband is going to be there and my Mom in law. I wish my Mom was going to be there, too. It is, after all, called Mother's Day Dash.

I'd like to take the time to wish my awesome friend Kelly good luck tomorrow. KICK ASS!

I have a little secret, but I can't talk about it yet. I want to, oh do I want to. But I have to wait. For now.

Weigh in today? 159.6 pounds. At Weight Watchers today we decided my goal weight to be 150 pounds (duh). So I don't have much more to go.

It's funny, if you follow me on twitter, to see how my week started off and where I am now. I was kicking myself and now I'm in the best mood. Things really turned around for me. I had help (thanks ladies) and I think sometimes I wouldn't get through my rough days without my twitter friends.

I also have been tracking EVERYTHING I eat. EVERYTHING. With weight watchers and on sparkpeople. And that has really made a difference. Watching my calorie intake has been different. I've never done that before. Burning off more then you eat is key, I've always known that. But I never counted my calorie intake before.

My new scale is so fancy. It does all these fancy things. I have to sit down and figure it out. But it's great. And it has a brand new battery in it. Thanks for saying I should get a new battery. But it's brand new. I won't be weighing myself every day anymore though. That business is going to stop now. It messes with your head.

I'm looking forward to my long run tomorrow. For some reason 7 miles is sounding pretty good. So we're going with that.

Happy weekend y'all!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Less than 10lbs to go, that's awesome! My goal weight is 150 too, but I can't seem to bust through that 160 mark. Good for you!

That is so great that your husband and mother in law are going to be there to support you for your run. I'm sure you'll do great!

Have you noticed a difference between your WW points and calories? I've done both, but never at the same time. Too much tracking for me... but then, maybe that's why I can't get under 160 :-P

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go insane waiting to hear what this secret is! lol

Hannah Houshangi said...

I've been counting calories (which I find quite rare in New Zealand) as opposed to weight watchers due to the app I have on my phone. It has been awesome. I'm 140lbs now (was 189lbs) and have to get to around 125lbs for goal (I'm short). Well done for being OH SO CLOSE to your goal! I also run, I trained via the C25K app. I want to run my first 5k run and maybe a 10k as I've been increasing my distance. Goodluck for your run!

Mrs. S. said...

Look at you being all sneaky! You are going to kick ass on the 5k. And congrats on tracking every single thing. Seriously that is so hard!!