Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

My vacation is slowly coming to an end and that SUCKS! I've really enjoyed not having to work. I got into a little schedule of getting up around 8am, feeding the cats (there is no way around this-they will kill me if I don't feed them first thing), checking twitter, facebook and of course, getting my run in.

I wanted to work out every day this week and I have. So far. I have run 23 miles. Which is not a lot for me when I was training for my half, but the past few weeks I have done 18 miles or so. Which again, is not bad. But I really have LOVED running every day. I want to keep it up when I go back to work on Tuesday (oh man, what is my desk going to look like? And my email? HELP ME!) It's been warm and humid here (not complaining after the freaking winter we had) so it's taken a little while for my body to get used to running in it. I trained for my half in snow storms. It was like 10 degrees outside. And now it's 80. And when I was done with my run today, I was drenched in sweat. I love it though. I would much rather deal with the heat any day of the week. I am not meant to be living in Connecticut.

I checked my measurements and I've gone down half an inch on everything but my neck since last month. Which is pretty good. I also lost 0.4 pounds this week, which is also good. After staying the same last week I will take it. I hate the least 10 pounds. It's going to take freaking forever to get them off. I just know it.

I also really need to get some weight lifting back into my life. I keep saying that, but honestly, I do. Maybe I need to drag out my P90X again? I'm just not feeling the gym right now. And they just instated some stupid wristband thing there (at my gym) starting Monday. Moving on...

Monday we're going to my sister's for a BBQ. I am bringing fruit. I don't want to be tempted by anything so I thought I would bring something healthy. I also plan to get my run done early so I can catch the parade that starts outside my house. No really, it literally starts outside my house. And in 15 years I've never watched it.

Have a great weekend and good luck to those that having races this weekend!!

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