Saturday, October 15, 2011


I'm pissed. Really pissed. Why? Well, according to my scale I am 167.4. What the hell is that??

I know that I had Chinese food last weekend. So I figured I would gain a little this week. But 5.4 pounds? Absolutely freaking not!! I wanted to put my foot through the scale.

So last week I was closer to 160 and this week I'm closer to 170. This is a bunch of bull.

The only thing I can think of is that it's because I've been taking Mucinex all week because I haven't been feeling good. I read some stuff about it and yes, it can cause weight gain.

I'm so mad I can't even think straight. I don't deserve this much of a gain, if I deserve a gain at all.

This is exactly why I am not going to Weight Watchers anymore because I can't handle this kind of the thing with the scale. I'm incredibly upset right now and crying at a WW meeting is just not something I want to do. I can do that at home (which I did).

I guess I stop taking Mucinex so I can not gain anymore weight.


Pinky said...

honey. don't be so mad. seriously, it's probably just temporary and you are so much more than a stupid number. I don't know why you are taking mucinex, but just breathe... focus... do the things that you always do to keep you on track. Turn your anger energy into something positive. Anger never helped anyone. Big hugs xxx

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

I didn't know mucinex did that! Don't let it get to you. Sure it is a set back, but also could it be water weight from that time of the month? I always gain weight like 5 lbs when Aunt Flo is getting ready to make an appearance. and do like Pinky said too. HUGS

Anonymous said...

it's temporary, you and I both know you have done some fabulous work and one week of medicine did not put back on all the weight you lost this is a temporary thing. Once you feel better and come off the medicine you will lose.
I'm in your boat this week but we can at least row the boat together! :)

Anonymous said...

I've read the entry after this one, so I know you've alredy calmed down some... ;)

But what the others said. You're not a number on the scale. And unless you can't suddenly get in any of your clothes (which I highly doubt) there's no reason to let this drive you crazy.

I haven't done any research on it, but I have no doubt that Mucinex can probably make you gain, in addition to making your pee stinky. (Don't get me wrong, I love it for getting rid of crud, but the smell... good lord, the smell)

Not to mention if you've got any sort of inflamation going on, that can show as a gain, too.