Wednesday, October 19, 2011

when do peanut m&m's not look good?

I ran 6 miles this morning before. 6 miles. Now some of you may not think it's a big deal, but it's the most I have ever run before work. I was pretty proud of myself

Until around 3pm at work when I starting crashing. HARD!

Oh and the fact that I kept eyeballing the vending machine at work every time I went into the warehouse at work. I pack plenty of snacks so it's not a big deal, but when do peanut m&m's not look good? Exactly.

I went to the chiropractor today and I needed it. It felt good to get my adjustment. I don't talk about my back pain much anymore because it isn't much of a problem. I usually see her once a week now instead of the three I started off with. But some weeks I need it more. Today was one of them.

My boss comes back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off. Should be interesting. It's been fun to say the least with him gone. I sort of feel bad for him. He's going to be slammed with issues. I tried to work hard today, but it was busy. What can you do??


Tara said...

Good for you for running so much before work! I can never get myself out of bed on weekdays early enough to do more than my usual two miles :-/

Sara said...

Awesome run! I WISH I could get myself out of bed to run that far that early - way to go!

Carolina John said...

6 miles before work is a lot! Great job. Now about the crashing, maybe some peanut m&m's would help that?

RainStorm said...

Well done! I tend to run in the evening - the next day I have breakfast as usual but then crash about 10:30am. I have to make sure I have a snack to hand otherwise I can't cope!