Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My letter to WW

Dear Weight Watchers,

I've had such a love/hate relationship with you since I was 14 years old. That's almost 28 years if you are keeping track. Longer if you count when my Mom lost 90 pounds with  you when I  was 2 years old. That was back when you couldn't eat ketchup and you mixed tuna with mustard.

But, I digress.

However, I find that when I follow your program, something magical happens. I lose weight. Since Monday, I have lost 4 pounds just by counting those magical points you give. No exercise this week (yet) but I'm working on that.

So once again, I'm sorry for bashing you because I do know you work. You helped me lose 40 pounds when I was 14.. You helped me lost 67 pounds when I was 23 You helped me lose 137 pounds when I was 25 and you helped me lose 85 when I was 35. I know you work, yet sometimes I have to come back to you with my tail between my legs.

Not too mention all my friends and family you've helped over the years.

Maybe it's the commercials with Jessica and Jennifer.

Maybe it's the 15K I am running in July.

But something has clicked in me once again.

And I believe I've woken something my coworker, too. We just might lose the weight we both gained last year and kick it to the curb yet.

So, please forgive me. I know you work and I do love you. I just thought something else would be that "thing" for me last year and I am sorry.

All my love,



Sarah said...

Sarah it works trust me! I have maintained my 100+ pound weight loss because of weight watchers!

Mrs Swan said...

I am sure WW would be very happy with your letter. :)

Hoot said...

I love your letter. WW has a great program. You're right; Something just clicks.

Carolina John said...

I think maybe if something works for you, you'd only have to do it once? that's not supposed to sound crass (sorry it does). I mean if it worked for you it should only have to work once. then it becomes habit, something you do instinctively. The low fat/high fiber stuff just becomes something you gravitate too instead of a conscious choice. That's how it happened to my wife. For me the vegetarian thing stuck. Meat becomes a choice that I don't make anymore. I'm trying to suggest that you might want to also look for something that you won't have to think about from a maintenance perspective.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I love you so much, Sarah! And I love this letter.