Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hottest day at the gym

OMG. It was so hot at the gym today that at one point I had so much sweat on my eyelashes that I couldn't even see. And it wasn't just me, either. I noticed everyone happened to be stopping and wiping sweat onto their shirt or wiping their face off with a towel. It was terrible. I don't know why it was so hot in there because it isn't that bad outside.

Regardless of the heat, I did manage a great workout. I did 50 minutes on the elliptical and 35 minutes of weights. I couldn't wait to get home and shower today. Whew!

Hubby has totally cleaned out my laptop and revamped it. It is running so much faster now. I love having an I.T. guy in the house. Ha ha.

I talked to my Mom yesterday for over 2 hours. I cannot wait until she comes to visit in November. I am super excited she will be here for my Birthday and for Thanksgiving. I will be on vacation for some of that time and I am planning to get in as much Mom time as possible. I miss her a lot. She was last here almost a year ago. My oldest sister will be going out to visit her next month and I realized it was nearly 5 years ago that hubby and I went to visit. We need to plan a trip there sometime soon, too. I hate being broke.

I hope everyone is having a great Sunday. I am glad that my exercise seems to be back on track, even if it means I'm going to the gym at night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your gym was a real sanau yesterday. Congrat on the awesme workout. That's so great your mom is coming for a visit during your birthday and Thanksgiving.
