Monday, May 23, 2011

I ain't too proud to beg

October 2008 I found myself in the emergency room with my husband. My husband was on the floor, in so much pain that he couldn't even sit up straight. I knew when he called me and told me was leaving school and heading to the hospital that something was wrong. He hadn't been to the doctor in a very long time so for him to be going to the hospital? This was serious.

Watching in there, his skin cold to the touch, yet he was sweating like he had just run a marathon, I thought that I might lose him. That my husband, my best friend, the love of my life, could possibly be dying right now. I had no idea what was going on and neither did he. I was trying to be strong for him. I couldn't cry. I didn't want to cry. I wanted to be there for him and just tell him the doctor would know what was wrong and tell him everything was going to be okay.

Finally they brought him into a room bu then they had to take blood, took him for a cat scan, took him for x-rays and all that fun stuff. And we had to wait. And wait. And wait.

My husband has one working kidney. He has Horseshoe Kidney and only of his kidney is working. Turns out the one kidney that works was full of stones and that was why he was in so much pain. And he we found out he would need surgery to have all the stones removed from the working kidney.

My husband had the surgery in February of 2009 and has been taking the best care of his kidney since then.

That being said, will you PLEASE DONATE and help our cause? We are walking our second Kidney Walk on June 12, 2011. Which also happens to be my husband's Birthday. We have not needed the Kidney Foundation, but we might. My husband has one kidney and he takes the best care of it, but someday, he might need a transplant and he may need their help.

PLEASE HELP! One dollar is all I ask for you to donate. Just one. That is all I ask. And if you all donate one dollar, that would help us raise money.

I thank you in advance.


ThunderThighs said...

Head over to my blog. I gave you an award if you're into that sort of thing. :)

Shelby said...

I am glad your husband made it through.. that was a scary story :(