Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It ends now

This girl has got to get her shit together!

Why do you ask?

Because I am bound and determined to LOSE TEN POUNDS!

Yes. I. Am.

I decided I am not comfortable at 160 pounds. Oh sure, some days I am 159 or maybe tomorrow I am 161 or whatever. I know the scale fluctuates, because our body does. I could eat Chinese food tonight (which I didn't but...) and tomorrow the scale could read 165. I know my body. I know how it LOVE to mess with me.

That being said.


What does that mean? It means I start busting my ass. I did it before. How the hell did I get down to 160 in the first place? When March of 2010 I was 242 and now I'm 10 pounds from my goal? I've pretty much plateaued for the past 4 months and I do not like it. I'm done with it. I'm over it.

It ends now.

I am also going to be changing the name of my blog. It's no longer about the size 8 pants anymore. Don't worry, I'm keeping the URL so I don't lose any of you. But I am changing the name. I'm not giving it out yet.

And on an awesome, amazing note. My vacation for May 23rd to the 27th was approved. Oh there is a happy place in my life right now. I'm not going on anywhere, but I plan to sleep in, enjoy some sun and just relax the whole time. And do some housework.


safire said...

A relaxing break sounds wonderful just about now :)

Good luck with your last 10 lbs! I'm currently on my last 10(ish) too so good luck to us both!!!

ElleBee said...

Yay for vacay, from the sounds of your tweets lately it's well deserved. :)

Can't wait to hear the deets of your blog name change!

Sarah said...

Let's do it together! I need to lose the last 7 pounds! Can't wait to hear what your new blog name is!!!

Carolina John said...

Go get those last 10 pounds! Knock 'em down.

Sevenbeads said...

You sound very determined! You'll do an amazing job.

Unknown said...

Get it girl !!! Bust it out !

Enjoy that vacation too!