Monday, May 16, 2011

Who wants fried pickles?

HOLY CRAP!! Blogger is working!! I should take advantage of this while I can and update my blog. Damn.

I had a busy, yet fantastic weekend. The husband and I celebrated our 18 years together as a couple. I know, I know, lame. But we're just really stupid for each other so whatever. It was really awesome and fun and I am so glad we have one another. We started dated on May 14th, 1993.

Friday night we went out to dinner to Texas Roadhouse. We ate fried pickles. Mmmm...fried pickles. They were so good. So. Good. I ran my butt off on Saturday morning to run them off. But they were worth it. My body is not used to that at all!! The fried food that is.

After my run, the hubby and I took off to run a few errands. Target being one of the stores we hit up. May 14th also happened to be my brother in laws 30th Birthday. So after the errands, we went over to my in laws house. And where did we go out to dinner? Texas Roadhouse. This time I stayed away from the fried pickles.

Sunday (after another 5 miles), hubby and I went out to breakfast. I had an amazing egg white omelet with turkey. Then another trip to Target. And we went to see "Bridesmaids". That movie was hysterical! Melissa McCarthy stole the thunder right out from under Kristin Wiig. And I love Kristin Wiig!!

In the exercise department, I took a little break last week. I was a little burnt out and I know it happens. But I feel that I am back and ready to get back to my running. Plus I need to tone up my arms and stomach. Summer is just around the corner!! I have some great tank tops to wear!! And this muffin top? Must go.

Thanks for letting me post, Blogger!! Now I need to catch up on everyone else.


Phoenix said...

It's good to scale back every now and then. Burn out is such a real thing. Happy Anniversary, btw!

Jaime said...

I kept hearing about Blogger probs but I didn't seem to have any trouble...weird!

Lor said...

We saw "Bridesmaids" Friday! LOVED it! it was SO good!!