Friday, February 26, 2010

Georgia is not on my mind...

All I did was think about food today.

I need to get it together!!

Food is not my life. I have to let it stop controlling me.

Sometimes I wish that I could be happy where I am. Once upon a time I didn't care what my weight was. I was loved and that was all that mattered.

I'm not sure when I become so weight obsessed. Somewhere along the way it just started.

And I don't always have this issue. It comes and goes. Ugh.

Anyway...TGIF. I have no big plans for the weekend. But I do plan to clean. This apartment is a mess. And overtime on Sunday. As well as the gym. I only got in 2 workouts this week. Which is better then zero the week before.

So I will aim for 3 this week.


Sevenbeads said...

I'm ALWAYS glad to see the weekend. I can count on a couple of exercise sessions that the weekdays just don't allow. Have a terrific weekend.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. Some days I'm great, eat well and for totally normal. Others I think about food, what I can eat next or what I'd like to eat but we don't have in the house. I've read so many books on food addiction and they helped a bit. Think I'm going to go back and check them out again soon.