Friday, February 19, 2010

Hello again Weight Watchers!!

It was great to be back. And I was even happier to see that I was still the same weight that I was the last time I went to weight watchers in November of 2009.

242.4 pounds.

Yes that is really a 4 pound gain between my scale and their scale. But when I weigh at home I *cough* don't wear clothes. And I usually weigh in the morning before I eat or drink anything. So by the time I went to the meeting at 12:15pm I had eaten breakfast, had one cup of coffee and had a few sips of water.

Next week it will be less.

I am happy about my decision to go back. I even stayed for the getting started afterward. I haven't done that in a very long time. Nancy (the leader) makes me laugh. She is so funny. She lost 44 pounds in 1995 and has kept it off. She reminds me a lot of my Mom so maybe that is why I like her.

I also realized that the last time I joined and lost a serious amount of weight (102 pounds) was February of 2001. And before that? February 1998 (67 pounds). Maybe that means something.

Anyone heard of this new "set points" they are bringing in? I'm a little leery of it. I guess they bring it in during week 5 so I don't have that book yet but its something they do in Europe. I'm not sure if I could eat something that was set at 9 points and stop when I was full. I don't have to worry about that now. Of course I wasn't sure how I felt about the 35 points either and I like those just fine. I think I may be the only person who really liked Core and lost weight on that, too, so who knows.

I think I am going to do a before photo. The thought scares me just a little but I think it will do me good.

Can't wait for "Shutter Island" tomorrow!!


Sarah said...

Holy Crap girl!!you have had great success at Weight Watchers.You should be proud of your past losses!!

Barbara said...

This will be your time to lose it for good! Just think, this was your last first day of starting weight watchers.

Andy said...

Yay, I'm proud of you for going back! And that you weighed in at basically the same as November is GREAT!

The ONLY time I use set points are when I get this salad that has a big chunk of salmon in it. I use the set points for the salmon. Oh, and once in awhile I do it for fruit -- like if I'm eating a big bunch of grapes or just picking out of a bag of cherries, I'll count it as 2 pts and not worry too much about measuring anything. So they can be useful. :)

Katie said...

Good for you for going back to Weight Watchers! I'm totally amazed at your past success with the program :)

I've been on weight watchers for awhile, and I don't think I've ever used the set points?? I can totally see their usefulness, but they're not usually on my radar.

Anonymous said...

You will eventually get back on track since you have decided and to go back. I am happy about your enthusiasm because many people choose to fail and go back to their weight gaining lifestyle. Keep up the great work with your articles and please stop by my health blog sometime. The web address is

erica said...

Heyy girly! I just found your blog and I do WW too! :]