Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy National Running Day!!

It's been just about 9 months since I started running again. And I owe that all to my friend, Kelly. If she hadn't motivated me, I might not have started. It was seeing her training for the NYC marathon last year that got me up and running again when I got back from my trip to Las Vegas and Arizona in October 2010.

I'll admit it hasn't been all unicorns and glitter. Or rainbows and butterflies. I've had back issues and was in a lot of pain. So much pain that I missed work. And my husband had to help me off the couch. I cried I was in so much pain. I've gotten sick and ran anyway. I've gotten sick and wasn't able to run when I wanted. We had a lot of snow and I had to run in some cold freaking weather. I cried because I didn't want to run. I ran my first 5k and prayed I didn't come in last. I hoped I didn't pass out or throw up on anyone.I ran my first half marathon and just wanted to FINISH. 6 miles in and I thought I was going to die. I swore I wouldn't do it again and then I went and signed up for another one in.

But, I will admit this:

I love saying I ran a half marathon, even if I was slow. I love having my 13.1 sticker on my car. I love the fact that I ran a lot of miles last month. 101 miles according to daily mile. I love the fact that I can run. That my coworkers comment on how fantastic my leg muscles are and that I know it's from my running. I love calling myself a runner. It really is something I love to do. And even after I run my next half in October and I never run another one again, I am a runner and I always will be. I take care of myself. I go to the Chiropractor for my back. I stretch after my runs. And I just take good care of myself.

I've also run 12 days straight. Not because I have to, but because I want to. And if I wake up tomorrow and decide I don't want to, I'm fine with that, too.

Some Memorial Day highlights. I have a love for tank tops. It was warm and I loved being able to throw on small, light clothes and feel comfortable. We saw some friends we hadn't seen since last summer and they were amazed at how much weight I lost. I was around 205 the last time I saw them, so it's a decent loss since then. I drank at said party. I think I was sweating beer during on run on Monday morning. But I planned for the beer and I love that I can do that. This party was a last minute on Sunday but it was fun. And I almost wore a bathing suit!! I just didn't end up going in the pool because I ended up drinking. Pool and beer? Not a good idea. Ha!! But the fact that I brought a bathing suit to a party? That is a huge thing.

I indulged a little over the weekend and that's okay. I got back on track on Monday and I'm fine with it. I told my husband that I love my body. That I really am okay with myself and I don't care if I lose another pound.

Life is amazing.

Going back to work after a week off? Not so amazing. But it wasn't so bad.

I also got some fantastic coffee from Whole Foods on Monday. I am a coffee WHORE!

Need to catch up on all your blogs.

1 comment:

Tara said...

You SHOULD be proud of running a half marathon, no matter what your time was!

I'm coffee obsessed too. I will only buy whole bean coffee and we have a fancy coffee pot that grinds it just before brewing it... LOVE.