Saturday, February 12, 2011

What a difference a year makes

Things are...oh man. Things are amazing.

I just... Where do I start?

Last year around March or so my weight loss journey finally got back into gear because of my cousin's wedding. I was in size 22's at that time and I pulled out a red dress that was a size 18 and tried it on. I looked like a sausage. But I was determined to not look one in it when the wedding rolled around at the end of May. I was around 240 pounds when I tried on that dress.

When the wedding came in May, I was able to wear that dress. It fit. And I was 215 pounds. Of course I didn't stop losing weight after that. I kept going. And today I was trying to decide if I wanted to buy a new outfit for Monday night (Valentine's Day) with the husband when we go out to dinner or if I had something I could wear in the house. I pulled out a dress that I bought 7 years ago and only wore once. I tried it on. It fit. I cried. I laughed. I cried again. And decided I didn't need anything new. This dress is a size 10.

Yesterday I ran an amazing 4 miles that just blew my mind. It wasn't that I was fast while running. It was just that I was loving the run. I didn't have to stop because I was in pain. I just enjoyed the run. And I would have kept going if I didn't have to get into the shower and get ready for work.

Today my 7 mile run turned into a 5 mile run because I was sore. My knees were killing me. And I was tired. But it's okay. I had to stop a couple of times, which bummed me out but it's all good. Tomorrow is 8 miles and I will do that. If I have to stop, so be it. I'm okay with that. But I plan to go to the gym for my run and not run on my treadmill which is in my garage on a cement floor. My knees will thank me for it.

My back is doing awesome. My new Chiropractor is amazing. I really like her. And she is so close. Like 2 minutes from work. 10 minutes from my house. So things are going to work out great there. I can run over on my lunch and get my back adjusted and then go back to work. I will be seeing her 3 days a week. It's all good.

And then NASCAR is back tonight!! You know this makes me very happy.

I am not feeling all that great though. Not happy to be getting sick again. I hope it passes. I have training to get in!!

Oh and I weighed in at 165 pounds today. That is a loss of 1.2 pounds this week. Boo-ya!!


karen said...

Hot DAMN girl!

Yeah. That about sums it up.

Oh ... and I want pictures of the dress.

I want you to not get sick.

And I adore you to pieces.

THAT sums it up.

Carolina John said...

Rock on girl.

Watch out for your knees. at that weight, your size is not causing any knee problems, it's most likely your form. Look for a forward lean and a midfoot strike when your feet hit the ground. You want them to land flat directly under your center of gravity.

Enjoy the nascar tonight! And stay healthy.

Laurie said...

I hope you will post a picture in that hot dress on V day. Great work.

Melissa said...

That's wonderful!!!