Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's a big day in my world

Today was a big deal. A HUGE deal. Hard to believe that this time last year I was 238 and now... well here. See for yourself:Which of course means I am 9.4 pounds from my goal weight. But I am thinking I may try for 130 pounds. For some reason I've always wanted to hit that number. I'm not even sure why, but it's been THE dream weight for me for as long as I can remember.

And I am now officially I a size 10/12. I pulled out all my old jeans from a million years ago (6) and they fit. My 8's are still bagged and boxed up but the the 10's fit. So my 14's are going to my sister who is THRILLED beyond words to be getting new clothes. All exercise clothes were in there and they fit. I was almost scared to try everything on, but they fit. It was so... cool to try it on. It was like going shopping and getting all these new clothes for free.

Today was a short run for me. I did 3 miles and I really enjoyed it. I had some cramps (sorry boys, but TOM came early for me this month) but I pushed through them and I really was happy with myself. I'm not the worlds fastest runner. I do 3 miles in 40 minutes. However, today, I did 3 miles in 38 minutes. So I shaved off a little time. And my new gym... I am so happy I switched. Yes the parking lot was mobbed when I got there and I had to park in the lower, LOWER lot. But when I got up to the fitness center (this gym has a lot going on) there were 4 people in there. And the spin class was going on in the next room. I finally canceled my other membership on Friday and I felt bad about it, but I won't miss the horrible parking (none), the time trying to get out of the parking lot and the hogging of the machines. Plus a pool, classes, etc! What is there not to like about the new gym?! And it's a minute from my house.

I was going to go work overtime today. But no. Decided I don't have to and I don't want to. So I'm not going to. So take that, work!! Pfffffft.

Hubby is exhausted from his first week at his new job. They love him there. His boss has told him several times he is doing great and I am so proud of him. He worked 54 hours this week. And he's set to do it again next week. Already getting overtime. I cannot wait for his paychecks to start coming in.

Enjoy your Saturday all!!


Megan said...

What a happy moment for you! Congratulations!!

Crystal said...

YAY I'm so happy for you :) You are rocking the scale!!

christina said...

Im so proud of you! Sticking to it really pays off... wow what I wouldnt do to be where you are right now!

Laurie said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I almost cried seeing that pic of the scale! You are such a rock star and an inspiration!

I think if you want 130, go for it-- I absolutely know you can do it!

Pinky said...

AMAZING!!! So very proud of you! see how you feel at 150 and adjust accordingly. Your body will also tell you when it's ready and feeling good at a certain weight. The magic is not in the numbers though, it's in who you are, don't forget that! xx

shameless bliss said...

i am very happy for you (and your sister, who gets the "new clothes")!!! :)

we're at about the same place, both weight-wise and clothing size-wise, by the way, so i just felt all the more connected.

Sevenbeads said...

You are so amazing ... a total inspiration. As far as I can read from your blog .... no surgery, no pills ... just hard work and grit. Write a book!

Paulina said...

Oh, that is so exciting! Way to go on the loss!!

Unknown said...

Amazing! congratulations x

Anonymous said...

Great Job Sara!! 9.4 from goal is awesome!!

And I am a not so fast runner too but the fact that I can run at all amazes me and I take that as a win!!

Carolina John said...

Congratulations! That's is so huge. It has to make you feel so good.

and a 54 hour work week is tough.

Phoenix said...

How did I miss this post? CONGRATS!!!! The one time I tried to do that with a camera it weighed more than the 0.2 lbs and it messed up my weight so I never got the picture. HAHA! I'm glad you got yours. Freakish what a difference a year can make!