Tuesday, April 13, 2010

much happier

I was in a grouchy cranky mood yesterday so I didn’t update. I figured who wants to listen to me bitch and moan? I didn’t even want to listen to me.

But today I am much happier. At first when my alarm went off at 5am I didn’t want to get up and I almost went back to bed. But is an extra hour of sleep really worth missing the gym? Not really. So I went. And I am glad that I did. Because I feel so much better for it. 45 minutes on the elliptical and 40 minutes of weights. And I think that is what has helped put me in a better mood today.

Last night when I got home from work I totally didn’t want to cook. So I threw together some veggies, turkey and couscous in a pan and cooked it up. It was so good. I think I might do that again tonight. It was quick, it was easy and it was healthy. Plus it was really filling. And it was different. My problem is that I tend to eat a lot of the same things and then I get sick of them. So trying something different is always good because it means I have more choices for meals.

I want to apologize now if you follow me on twitter. Just be aware my Monday and Tuesdays tweets are kind of nutty because of “Dancing with the Stars”. I am all Evan and Anna crazy during the hour of 8pm-10pm. But that is only until Evan is gone. But I hope he stays until the end. I just adore the two of them. And Evan just keeps getting better. He has had the highest score 2 weeks in a row now.

I am so excited! I don’t know if anyone knows that Pink Floyd: The Wall is my favorite album or not but Roger Waters, the mastermind behind the album is bringing it on tour! And he is coming here on October 15th.


Ellen said...

Evan, gone? Not a chance. I pick him for the winner!

Nora said...

HI! Would you mind sharing your whipped up recipe with Turkey, CousCous, and Veggies? Just saute'd? I'm always looking for new ideas beyond chicken or pork loin and have cous cous in my pantry that I have no idea how to use. :)

Whitney said...

Yay, I remember you said that Pink Floyd was your favorite so I'm excited that you're going to see him!!!