Thursday, April 15, 2010

No gym today

This morning when the alarm went off I knew I wasn't going to make it to the gym. There was just no way I was going. My body was too tired and I needed to go back to bed. My body was telling me to get more sleep and I listened.

And I feel a bit guilty about that.

Tomorrow I plan on going and making up for today and still making my 4 days this week but I still feel guilty anyway. I know exercise really helps me with my depression and with my stress.

But my body knows best!!


christina said...

That was me yesterday - I signed up for a 545 am spin class. I couldnt fall asleep and when the alarm went off at 5am it just wasnt happenning. I paid for it today thought - I work today but needed to get my workout in so was up running at 6am... yuck... but feel better!

Lex said...

Don't feel guilty! You needed your sleepy sleepy!

You'll continue to work it out! I love hearing about your morning gym sessions! I am in awe! I wish I could just get up EARLIER!

Tricia said...

sometimes we just have to listen to our bodies

Katie said...

You listened to your body - nothing to feel guilty about! :)