Sunday, April 18, 2010

The one in which I do some running

Have you heard about my giveaway yet? If not go check it out. You have until 8pm EST Friday to get in on it.

I overslept this morning. I wasn't too happy about it either when I woke up at 9:00am and realized I my alarm hadn't gone off. Boo. I knew that if I didn't do some sort of workout I would sit around and wallow in self pit all day.

Soooooo....I hit ye old treadmill out in the garage for the first time in awhile. And I say that because the weigh on the treadmill read 238 pounds. Which means I love lost over 12 pounds since the last time I used it. So that was nice. And I really enjoyed my workout, too. I did some running, which I haven't done in awhile and was drenched in sweat 60 minutes later. So even though I missed the gym, I still got in my workout.

I am super excited because there are only 4 days left until Stars on Ice. Me=big dork. Yes, I know.

Lunch yesterday was supposed to be with 2 of my sisters but it ended up only being 1 of them. But that was alright. We had fun. I had chicken and some veggies so I was still on plan.

And when I mentioned that I was doing the old weight watchers plan I did mean the one where you could bank points if you wanted them, etc. You had like a points range instead of a set amount of points you could eat. Before they changed the plan, in 2003, that was how I had lost all my weight. It works for me so I'm going to continue to do that.

Today I am just hanging out and doing things around the house. Nothing exciting.

Looks like I may actually be getting a awesome cell phone tomorrow. One in which I can access twitter from like a normal person. Welcome to the 21st century, Sarah. Ha!! I am pretty excited about it. Hubby's BFF works for a cell place so we are going to go and check out phones tomorrow night. I am pretty excited since I have this huge twitter addiction and all.

I really wish the weekends were LONGER!!

Hubby and I need to start planning our trip to Arizona and Vegas in September for our 10 year wedding anniversary!! I can't wait!!

Happy Sunday y'all!!


karen said...

That was the only version of WW I did well on. I've tried since and no luck at all ... never thought about just going back to the old method on my own! Maybe if this whole calorie thing stops working I'll make the switch :)

Amy said...

Stars on ice?! Ha, i love how excited you got!

good luck with the WW method that works for you! that's the most important thing!