Saturday, December 29, 2012

Looking forward to January

I hate snow.

No, I hate snow. I seriously hate it. The husband and I considered moving out of New England in 2011 until he started the job he has right now.

Right now it's snowing here in Connecticut and I'm annoyed as hell. Once again it most likely ruined my gym plans for tomorrow.

Damn, damn, DAMN!

Patiently waiting for January 1st. I am going to start working in some weight lifting again and stop being the cardio queen.

I will also be glad when this month is over and work gets somewhat back to normal. I worked 4 hours today to try and catch up. It's easier when no one is around.

What did you do today?

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Music ideas?

Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the gym this morning. 

I' m not too sure if it was the the plows that kept going by during the night that kept waking me up or the fact that I just didn't sleep all that well, but I wasn't up to getting up when my alarm went off at 5am so I reset my alarm and went back to bed until 6:30am.

But, tomorrow is a new day and I plan to hit the treadmill in the morning.

The weather sucks here. I'm not a huge fan of snow, ice and cold weather at all. But, leaving in Connecticut I just have to deal with it.  And since it's probably going to messy the morning, I'm just going to run it out on the treadmill.

Things are still going good with my eating. I had a flash of eating junk when I got home today while I was at work, but I blame that on some of the stress I was feeling at work. I'm going to have to come in on Saturday and I'm not exactly thrilled about it. But, I have to get everything done and extra money is always good.

I'm in desperate need of some new music for my workout list. What can you suggest for me?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Day After Christmas

I hope everyone had a great Christmas (if you celebrate). Mine was good. It wasn't GREAT (a few family issues) but last not on twitter I was being a total sour puss and I shouldn't have been.

I got the new vacuum I desperately needed. No, I really wanted it. My MIL bought it for me and I couldn't be happier.

My husband bought me a new Garmin. I can't wait to try it out tomorrow. I was going to try to hit the gym today, but I was exhausted after all the running around I did yesterday.

I got a great new water bottle, too. My old SIG was just a sad mess. I had dropped it so many times it didn't stand up without wobbling. And it's a really nice pretty purple color. 

I got a lot of gift cards, too. Can't go wrong with gift cards. I need to go over to Starbucks on Sunday after the gym so I can get me a nice strong coffee and use some of my gift card. And Target. I love me some Target.

And today started my New Years Resolution. I am not waiting until next Wednesday. I can't. I have my BIL's wedding in August I need to look AWESOME for and I can't mess around anymore. I want to look KILLER for this wedding. So I started back counting points today and so far so good. Old WW points. It's what works for me.

I also signed up for this challenge that Jess is holding. I'm always up for a good challenge.

Right now it's crazy at work. With end of the month AND year it's nuts. I am ready for it to be over now. I am sure I'll be working on Saturday.

So what did YOU get for Christmas?

Saturday, December 22, 2012


I've wanted to post about the horrible tragedy that happened here in Connecticut, but I just didn't know how.  Even today, I'm still in shock and my heart is broken.

I wanted to do something. ANYTHING to help Sandy Hook.

So I signed up for this:

Sandy Hook Elementary Memorial Virtual Half and 5K.

It may not be a lot but it's something and I know it's something I can do.

Of course I signed up for the half and I haven't run over 5 miles since Christmas of last year, but it doesn't matter. I'll walk it if I half to.

I wanted to do something and it is close to my heart. Just like Connecticut.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Back soon

December has been super busy. Getting back from vacation and back into the swing of things at work has been hard.

I've taken a little blog vacation but I promise to be back at it in 2013.

I have to. My diet and exercise are suffering, too.

But, I have a big wedding that I'm attending in August and I want to look and feel my best so I need to get ready for that.

I'm still reading everyone.

And I'll be back soon!! 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

What a dope

Back from New Orleans.  Had an amazing and fantastic time!!

I didn't gain a single pound. I stayed the same so I'm pretty happy about that.  I tried to have a light breakfast and lunch so that when we had dinner I could eat a little heavier. I ate a lot of salad. A lot of salad. And chicken.

Worked out at the hotel fitness center 3 times while I was there with the other wives.

Walked A LOT. By Friday night I was exhausted and my feet were so sore.

My allergies decided to flare up super bad over the weekend before we left and I had to explain to my husbands BOSS what the hell Angioedmea was.  It was kind of embarrassing. It was bad enough when we showed up at the airport with my eye swollen shut, but everyone was staring at me like I'm some kind of jerk.

Monday night after I we got back to the hotel, I took off my sneakers I took off my shoe to find I had the worlds biggest blister. I am not kidding. I think it's because my foot was swollen so badly. It was so gross. I had to have my husband take care of it because I was so freaked out. I've never had a blister that big before.

New Orleans is crazy. Really crazy. I've never seen a city that crazy before. Not even Vegas.

And I had my first Skinny Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks. Total heaven. I want another one right now.

Our hotel room had a Keruig in it.

Today I had the day off from work so I decided to go out and do a little Christmas shopping after my run and I locked my keys in the car.  My husband had to drive from work an hour away to come unlock my door. I was so mad at myself. What a dope.

Back to work tomorrow. I'm ready to get back to normal. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

How is it already December?

My allergies decided to come out and play today. Two days before we leave for New Orleans. Now,  it's not a big deal when I swell up on my hand, my arm, foot, etc, but when it's my face, I get really mad. And hide. It's rather embarrassing.

That is what I looked like when I left the gym and headed over to work. Right now my entire upper lip is swollen. And now it feels like the bottom one is started to swell.

I can't even tell you how frustrating and upsetting this is for me. I have a lot of things I need to do and planned on doing tonight, but because I don't like to go out in public (I'm surprised I even went to the gym but it wasn't too bad when I left the house) and have people stare at me, I won't go. I'm hoping tomorrow I'm back to normal again.

I've cried over this a couple times today. I still need to get my blood work done that I said I was going to get done in October, but never did. It's getting done when I get back from New Orleans.

In exercise news, I ran 3 miles at the gym. 3 very angry miles since I was so upset about my swelling. It's been a rough year for me with this. And I'm sick of it.

I wore my compression socks all day at work and I love them. I need to get more. I'm hoping that Santa brings me a couple more pairs.

I'm going into work again tomorrow. I have so much I need to finish up before vacation actually starts. I worked 6 hours today but only plan to go in for a couple hours tomorrow.

How was your Saturday?