Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I am super glad these past few days are OVER! End of month is typically a busy time for me at work, trying to get everything done and all set in the computer so we can bill it out. And since February is a short month, I had to buckle down earlier then normal. If you follow me on twitter then you know I haven't been on much during the day these past couple of days. But I got most everything done and I feel like things are back to normal.

This past Sunday, I had what I can honestly say was my best run yet. I was scheduled to do a 10K and I ran the entire thing. That's a pretty big deal for me. It's the first time I haven't had to stop for any reason at all. I was so excited and proud of myself. According to my Garmin I ran 6.99 miles so I think my treadmill is off.

Monday I had a rough time getting out of bed. So I ended up running 3 miles when I got home from work. Meh. I am not a fan of working out at night. Because then I couldn't get up Tuesday morning. I was so tired.

This morning I did 5 miles straight in under an hour. I'm getting faster my friends.

My allergies starting acting up this morning and my Chiropractor had never seen that before. She could feel my neck was bothering me and, I kid you not, as soon as she adjusted my neck, my swelling in my eye went down. And it's gone now. I totally love her. She does amazing things for me.

This Sunday is my first 5K. I'm excited and nervous. It's supposed to rain. But I don't care. I can't wait. I can't wait for the beer afterward. I can't wait for my husband to be there when I'm done. I just can't wait. I don't care that I haven't run outside yet (yes, I am aware this may be a problem). I don't care that I may be the slowest person. But I just can't wait to experience the whole thing. And I can't wait to get my race packet on Saturday.

I also have 9 miles to do on Saturday. Oh I can't wait for that either.


Phoenix said...

Aww, that's nice your husband is going to wait at the finish! B did that for me last year and it meant the world. I think you can pick up your stuff the morning of the race so you don't have to make 2 trips down to NH unless you want to.

Sevenbeads said...

Good luck with your 5K! You've been working hard. You'll do great.