Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I blogged about it so what didn't it happen?

I'm not going to lie. This weekend? This weekend was not one of my best. I was all pumped up and ready to go. I was going to get back on track and lose a little weight. After all, I blogged about it. If I blogged about it, it was going to happen.

Saturday morning I woke up and didn't feel all that good. I also didn't make it to the gym after sleeping until after 10am. It was a hectic and busy week for me at work. It was end of month and end of quarter, so there was a lot going on. I figured all the stress was bringing me down, so I went with it.

Saturday night did not go over easy food wise. And Sunday? Well, I was still not feeling well and there was no exercise. I hadn't gone grocery shopping or left the house since Friday which meant eating whatever was in the house. And it wasn't good.

By the time I got to work on Monday I was a wreck. I was trying to hide it, but it wasn't easy.

Last night when I was at the grocery store, glaring at everyone that got in my way, I realized something. When I work out and eat right, I'm happy. I LIKE eating right and running. I ENJOY salads and apples and low fat yogurts and frozen grapes and all the other healthy foods I eat. When I eat junk food (cake, cookies, sugary cereals) I don't feel good and I get depressed. Mix in a few glasses of wine (I was not feeling good okay??) and it all comes to an angry head.

Not to mention I haven't worked out in over a week. It's not pretty people. Not pretty at all.


My gym bag is packed and I'm hoping to make it there tomorrow. Feel free to kick my ass if I don't get there tomorrow because I'm becoming a depressed ball of ass over here.

1 comment:

MojoMissy said...

That Blake gif is EXACTLY how I feel when I don't workout or eat right. Sugar is SUCH a trigger food for me, but yet I continue to eat it. Why do we do this?

It sounds like you needed to rest this weekend, honestly. I rejoined my gym today and blogged my October goals, so let's make a deal that tomorrow, we WILL get in some cardio. Deal?