Saturday, October 6, 2012

Uh, that's my cell phone

I'm sitting here and enjoying some coffee after my workout. Did you catch that? I said workout. I do enjoy sleeping in on Saturday mornings with my husband and my kitties (my Siamese is a totally snuggle bug let me tell you). But, that didn't stop me from getting in my first workout in two weeks.

I hit the treadmill (I do have one of those still) and didn't know what would happen. TWO MILES!! I thought maybe a mile, but I looked down at my Garmin and saw I was at two. Not too bad for someone who slacked off for two weeks. After that I walked for a bit and jumped off and hit the weights for 20 minutes. I managed a nice workout for an hour.

After that disaster struck. The husband and I have the same phone. Mine has a purple back on it, but it's the same phone. He was running out and he took my phone. I threw a fit.


Tell me something I don't already know, Britney. So, I ordered myself a pretty new case that will make sure that doesn't happen again. Because you just don't take my cell phone.

Now I'm going to enjoy this beautiful weather. It's October, yet it's warm. Not too warm. And I love it. Happy Saturday!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My husband and I have the same phone too. We got different cases right away, because I predicted this would be a problem!