Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lets make a baby!!

The hubs and I went to Babies R Us tonight to pick up a gift for the baby shower we are attending tomorrow. Let me tell you it made my ovaries just tingle with all the cuteness.


It is what it is.

I bought jeans. I hate jeans. I seriously do. There is something about the way my muffin top hangs over the top of them that I just don't like. The first pair I tried at Target made me want to hurl them into a ball and stomp on them. I didn't do that. The second pair I tried on at Old Navy was a much better experience.  I also picked up a new shirt and a pair of exercise pants.

I got the husband to try Chipotle and he was not impressed. After all the raving I did the other day, I was hoping for more. I still loved my salad, but he didn't enjoy the tacos as much as I had hoped. His love for Moe's still lives on.

What did you do today?

What was for dinner?

Jeans yes or no?


MojoMissy said...

Clothes shopping at Target always gives me a complex. Their clothes don't work for curvy women. Old Navy always fits better for me.

Unknown said...

Jeans always, unless it is acceptable to wear running tights. And in northern Minnesota, anything goes, so usually the latter. Glad Old Navy worked out for you!

Mrs. S. said...

Glad you found jeans you like. I am with your Hubby-Moe's knows good food!