Friday, October 5, 2012

Pinky swear!

Ta Da!!

I don't even know how I did it either to be honest with you. I ate nothing but junk for 3 days and didn't work out after I said I would, but I stayed the same. I'll take it.


This week has is going to be better.  I miss running.

We (yes I said we and that includes the husband) have a baby shower to go to on Sunday. I've never been to a baby shower that includes both women and men. Should be interesting. I'll be all sorts of jealous, but I love baby stuff. It's a girl so I'm sure it will be all pink and purple.

Gym tomorrow. I pinky swear!!

1 comment:

MojoMissy said...

I haven't lost yet, but I have worked out 3 days this week. But there's a food festival in town & yes I did have to eat that deep fried twinkie. ;)