Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Biggest Loser night!!

I'm sitting here watching "The Biggest Loser" (don't worry no spoilers) and they are running a weight loss surgery add during the show. Don't get me wrong, I do not have anything against weight loss surgery, but I just feel it's wrong. They do it EVERY season. I just find it wrong in so many ways.

Also, "TBL" related, Tara (from last season) is my friend on facebook and commented on my status tonight. I am such a LOSER that I had to call the hubby over and show him.

Work was a total madhouse today. I didn't get anything done (again). I have one day left before I'm off for 4 days and I hope to tie up a few loose ends.

Can't wait for the Cape!!

While watching "The Biggest Loser" tonight I asked the hubby if he wanted to start going to the gym with me when we get back from the Cape. He said yes. So that will be good for both of us.


♥ Dee ♥ said...

OMG, how did you get her on your FB??? I'm so JEALOUS!!

And yeah, I woulda copied and pasted her response into an email and sent it to everyone I know, so no judging here!

(side note: the word verification actually made me lol. it was "boxyho".

Anonymous said...

I'm watching TBL right now I love it. Wow that's great that Tara wrote to you over at Facebook. I'm going to go and see what she wrote.


Laurie said...

Wow! That's sooo cool about Tara commenting on FB. I'm jealous!

Carolina John said...

yea i was loving BL last night too. can't believe you got tara to comment!

Annie, The Amazing Shrinking Girl said...

Yay on getting your hubby to the gym with you. It'll give you a new for of motivation!