Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fly by posting!!

Hey ya'll!! I just wanted to fly by and update really quickly because I have a lot to do before we leave tomorrow for our trip.

I took today off from work to wash clothes, clean up the house, run errands and pack before we leave. The landlord decided to day would be a good day to take over the basement and work on the furnace. Ahem. So I had no time to do any laundry until he was done. I was less then thrilled. So I will be up all night doing that. At least my house looks shiny and clean and I won't have to worry about that when I get home.

If one of your coworkers was constantly making personal calls and making you and your other coworker have to pick up the slack would you go to your boss about it? Because I am thinking I might have to do that when I return from work. I mean, I know she is having some issues right now and I know she stabbed me in the back and all, but it's kind of ridiculous when she is on the phone for 45 minutes and I have to do everything while my other coworker is on her lunch break. Suggestions? Ideas?

I wore jeans today that I haven't worn in a very long time!!

I may or may not bring my laptop with me. I am thinking no because we are on vacation. I don't know. We'll see. If I don't, I will return on Monday evening!!


Natasha said...

Hey Sarah,

There's a few ways to go about it (in my opinion).

You can talk directly to your coworker and tell her that you would rather have it stop at this level without going to someone else.

You can go to your boss and say something like, "I have had a few complaints from clients about going to voicemail and I believe it's because X seems to be preoccupied." (I'm not really sure what you do, so you'd have to tailor it to your job. I think by focusing on how it's affecting the business instead of how it's affecting you will avoid it coming across like a tattletale.

Worst case scenario (and I don't really recommend this) is to leave an anonymous note listing her infractions for the past week. It's not really what I recommend, but you never know.

Hopefully you find a solution that works for you.

Fran said...

My co worker is a bit like yours. Only she's not making a lot of private calls but gossip calls with other co workers. I've talked to my boss about it and when it happens again I'm going to talk to her about it (with his help if necessary). I'm not so good at confrontations. Usually I don't say anything.

In my case I was lucky that my boss already noticed by himself that she was doing that so I didn't have to convince him about anything.

Hope you've had a great trip.