Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Who invited you winter?

It is freaking cold! Cold I tell you. I am sitting here with a sweatshirt on. Brr!

I wore a top and pants today to work that I haven't worn in at least 2 years. The pants were probably too big but we had important people from corporate coming so I ironed them nicely last night and wore them to work today. I got a lot of nice comments about how nice I looked so that made my day.

Tomorrow starts awesome October!! Can't wait. I am going to the gym (seeing the trainer so it's happening) tomorrow night so it is ON!

Also FINALLY my fit bit is going to be coming soon. I can't wait!! I will be posting lots about it when it arrives. I should have it by the end of October.

Getting things ready for a yard sale on October 10th that my oldest sister is having. I am going to try and get rid of as much as I can. I don't need it and I don't want it so please someone else please come and by my crap. Thanks. Ha ha!

On "The Biggest Loser" front-Tracey I do not like you. I'm all about Rudy (team Connecticut) and Rebbecca.


Andy said...

That's funny -- I love Rudy, but hate Rebecca! :)

Excited to hear about your Fit Bit! I'm sure it will be an awesome tool and motivator!

Carolina John said...

i like rudy and the two girls on the pink team a lot on this year's BL. I really wanted that guy from the red team to make it to the makeover show just so someone would force him to get a new haircut.

It's been really cold down south the last few days too! crappy time for my furnace to break down.