Thursday, February 2, 2012


I rejoined my old gym. And I have to say it was one of the best things I could have done for myself. I did it last week and I have gone 6 times already. I am loving it!! They moved to a bigger location and they have so much more equipment and I am so happy. My love for working out is back.

My eating? Sucks. I have to get some sort of grip on it. I'm not happy with with the way that is going. I know what to do, I just haven't been doing it. I've been messing around with a few things and I just get annoyed and frustrated. I need to pick one thing and stick with it. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them. Maybe I'm just getting sick of eating them same darn things over and over again. Maybe I just need to change up my recipes. I certainly don't plan on gaining (anymore) weight back. I'm not happy at the weight I am currently at.

I'll figure it out. That is part of why I haven't been posting much. I feel like a failure. I am not happy and I don't feel like I have the right to post. But I'm around.


Anonymous said...

Oh you have come so far. I lost 46 pounds and put 46 pounds back on again. I read your blog and I want to do what you've done. You've not only lost weight you've become fit. Not everyone does both. I want to be like you. Don't be too discouraged. Don't do what I did.

You can do better. Encourage your self back to where you want to be. You can do it!!

Anonymous said...

You're not a failure! OMG, YOU'RE NOT A FAILURE! YOU ARE NOT!

*yes, imagine me yelling that, complete with the accent*

My eating hasn't been the best, either. I'll do good for a bit, and then, like this week, we've been out to eat twice. (But the Mexican tonight was so, so worth it. I ate like a pig and loved every second of it because I know it'll be months before we go back. LOL)

You can get this food thing down. You know you can, because you've done it before.

Now, with my piggy-ness tonight, I don't exactly feel like I should be giving food advice, lol, but I'm gonna try over the weekend to do a blog about some of my favorite food finds and some of my go-to recipes.

christina said...

Last year before getting pregnant I gained back 20 of the 50 lbs I lost and I felt like a massive failure. I was ONLY talking negative to myself and putting myself down on my blog. So I quit blogging. Not the best idea... it then just let me have a free for all. Just keep going day by day, write your feelings on here (use this blog for what it initially was for... to help you, not just pass on good things), track what you are eating.

Carolina John said...

I have recently fallen victim to an addiction to hershey's kisses. I cannot stop myself and its getting detrimental to my scale.

Phoenix said...

You could never be a failure! We all need to switch it up every now and then. Blog through it, it helps!

Unknown said...

I tagged you!! Go to my blog & check it out!!
