Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My new favorite equipment

I rejoined the gym 2 weeks ago. Since I did that, I have been eyeballing this piece of equipment:
It's called The Captain's Chair and I've always wanted to try it. I didn't think I had the upper body strength, but I finally gave it shot today. And I did 2 sets of 20. My arms are SORE right now. I feel it a little in my abs, but I am betting I really feel it tomorrow. The gym has a little room set up for ab work and they have two of these. I stare it down every time I go in there and I am so glad I sucked it up and tried it today. I plan to make it my bitch.

Like I said, rejoining the gym was the best thing I could have done for myself. My eating is awesome. I'm so much happier.

And right now the pajama bottoms that I have on are not nearly as snug in the butt as they were last week. Score, score and score!!


Carolina John said...

That's one of my favs too, I've always heard it called the Roman Chair. It does take a lot of back strength to hold yourself up there that long, which the endurance will build over time. But the ab workout you get from it is fantastic.

Phoenix said...

That's awesome you tried it out! And kicked butt, too! If you want a cheap version for home you can get one of these (I've seen them for $20 at CVS). Just hang there and pull your knees up. Glad you're enjoying the gym so much again!

InWeighOverMyHead said...

You are a rock star. I was able to do two sets of FIVE. lol