Thursday, September 10, 2009


I know that I mentioned awhile back that I had tried on some jeans that hadn't fit in awhile and they fit now. And one pair still didn't quite fit but when they were given to me they wouldn't even go up over my hips? Well now I can actually zip them and button them. I wouldn't wear them because I have quite the muffin top but hey-they fit. I'm sure in a little more time I could wear them in public.

Today was just nuts at work. Part of it was one of my coworkers and I was glad to not be involved in it. I started a project that I didn't get to finish because it got super busy towards the end of the day so I need to finish that up tomorrow. I like days like that. I feel like I accomplished things.

I got and started the 2nd Sookie Stackhouse book. I said I wasn't going to but I couldn't help myself. I can't wait for the "True Blood" season finale this weekend!!

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!!


Natasha said...

Fitting into clothes is almost as good as seeing your weight go down on the scale. You must be so excited!

I'm a True Blood fan myself. I'm really anxious to find out what happens!

♥ Dee ♥ said...

Woot to clothing NSVs!!