Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spin, spin, spin!

I took my first spin class tonight.

I think I can actually say I rocked that class. And I finally sucked it up and signed up thanks to Mrs. Fatass who was tweeting about her spin class last night. It was freaking awesome! I want to take more of them. It was 60 minutes of pure fun. Yes, I said FUN! I really enjoyed it. I think that the instructor thought I was going to struggle with it more but I didn't. I was able to keep up. Um, remember, I told you Miss Instructor I'm a runner. I run at least 20 miles a week. So cardio is my thing. But I was drenched with sweat. And I stunk pretty bad.

Taking this class was pretty new for me. I workout alone. It's just what I do. So for me to take a class after 10 years it's a pretty big deal.

I also ran 3 miles this morning. So I worked out twice today.

I'm going to sleep pretty good tonight.


safire said...

Great job with the class! I've never done spinning before but I've had friends who RAVE about it :)

ThunderThighs said...

I LOVE spinning!! If you really get into it, I highly recommend getting shoes with clips so you don't have to use the straps. It's so much more comfortable. And an HOUR long class?? YAY YOU!!! The classes I usually take are only 45 minutes. It is really fun, though, and can get addicting since it's so easy on your joints. Another word of advice - deodorant. He he he, just kidding! Great job on getting exercise in TWICE in one day, too!!! You are amazing - a real inspiration to me!

Diminishing Lucy said...

I loe the days when you get to work out twice - virtue at its best!

I tried a spin class a while back and loved it - you've inspired me to look into it again!

I am a new follower - your weightloss so far is inspirational!

Diminishing Lucy XX

Carolina John said...

I like a spin class every now and then. Still not as much fun as riding on the roads, but they are much safer.

marisol said...

That's all kinds of awesome!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome. It's great when you find a new exercise you like!