Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I got vomited on at work today

So I got vomited on at work today. But don't worry. It was by a 3 month old baby and totally worth it. She was so cute and I was holding her and she was all smiling and had big brown eyes and dark black hair and I would let her puke on me again. And her Mom (a friend of mine) felt me me up after when she was cleaning up the vomit, so SCORE!! I kid, I kid.

Today is day 4 on the new Weight Watchers plan. Things are continuing to go well. The real test is going to be this Saturday when we go to the wedding of our friends. I'm looking forward to how I do with that.

I hate, hate, HATE working out at night. It's not going to happen. I'm never going to turn myself into a night runner. It isn't going to work. So, I have to drag myself out of bed tomorrow. No matter what. I have my half training to continue with. I had planned on 4 miles when I got home, but no. Last nights 3 miles was rough and I couldn't do that again. I miss my morning runs. They are so awesome. I enjoy them and they really put me in an amazing mood.

Looks like I will be going to see Rascal Flatts next Thursday. My sister texted me last night and asked me if I wanted to go so I said yes. Should be fun!!

I'm off to talk to my Mom!! It's been a couple weeks!!


Miss Felicity said...

I will update the layout with the H at the end haha. Have you figured out how to get the code in there? I included specific directions in the email, let me know what youre having a hard time with and maybe I can help a lil bit better. And ofcourse, if you DO NOT like it, pleassssse let me know youd prefer another style! I wont be offended.

Anonymous said...


Baby vomit is the best, and getting felt up too? You're right, SCORE!

LOL I'm kidding, of course. But babies are so forgiveable when they throw up on you. Not so much with grown folks.

Carolina John said...

pfftt! I'll totally take the night running over the early morning anyday. getting out of bed early enough for some home yoga is tough enough.

Have fun at mom's!

RunToTheFinish said...

i agree about night running! that has been the hardest thing for me in Miami, EVERYONE runs at night. all the groups are at night, so I do a run in the morning because I"m ready to go and them I'm too tired at night

i'm glad no one tosses their cookies on me at work :)

Tara said...

I hate working out at night too! Or really, I hate doing it after I've eaten ANYTHING, especially if whatever I ate was within 8 hours of working out...gives me the worst cramps.