Thursday, March 15, 2012

Getting myself together

It's no secret that I've been struggling with my weight loss.

It's probably while I haven't been posting here as much. When I'm doing good with my eating and exercise I feel good and I want to share it with the world. When I'm not? Well, I don't really feel I have a lot to talk about and I just read all your blogs inside.

This week has been really hard for me food wise. My exercise has continued to be really good. I worked out Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Most of it is PMS/TOM. I know that. I don't know why this week has been so difficult.

For the past couple of months I've been counting calories and I've realized that just doesn't work for me. What works? Weight Watchers. That is how I lost the weight and that is what I need to do. The week I was sick with Bronchitis last month I counted points and I lost 3 pounds. Why didn't I stick with it? I don't know. I guess because I felt I was better again and needed to go back to counting calories. But that doesn't work. I ended up gaining again and I haven't gotten back down to 169.8 pounds yet.

I know I'm going to be up this week. I don't want to even think about the scale right now. I'm frustrated and upset with myself. Last year at this time I was 160 pounds. It's really sad.

So, I have decided that I am going to start counting my points again and start posting here EVERY DAY!! Even if it's just a little something. I hope it helps me to stay on track and to get back to down to 160 pounds.

I may or may not weigh in this week. I might get too upset about it. So I might just wait until next week. Some of the weight will most likely be because of TOM but still. I'll have to see how I feel on Saturday.

Is it me or has this been a really LONG week??


safire said...

We all have temporary setbacks. It sounds like you know what works for you! I'm the same way and if I stop blogging as regularly, I find it hard to stay accountable too.

Mrs Swan said...

Every day! I will be watching you!!!

I totally feel you on the no blogging when doing bad. I am the same exact way.

sara said...

thank you for posting; i am in awe of your success story and also see how the lifelong commitment just has to be there to stay healthy. please keep posting and say hello to my new blog if you can!

Celine said...

We'll be waiting for your posts everyday then! ;-)

Hang in there, we all have setbacks but if you look at your weight loss journey so far, it's pretty damn amazing if you ask me !

Happy Friday !