Thursday, March 8, 2012

Texas I'm coming for yoooouuu!!

That's right. Texas is actually happening.

April 27th I fly in. I'm too excited about it. The husband will be working during the day which leaves me hanging out with his bosses wife and sister during the day. Awkward. But, I plan to have FUN! And shop. And eat. And shop. And eat.

I've been doing pretty good about my eating and exercise since I started back to the gym. Except for that one week where I was sick and missed some workouts. But, I can't help that. I've worked out 5 days week for about 4 of the last 5 weeks. Not bad. But I want to get up to 6 days until Houston. I can do it. I want to do it. So, starting tomorrow I plan to do that. I have been taking Monday and Thursday as my rest days. I need to decide to keep as an off day. I'll figure it out.

I may not have lost that much weight, but I've lost inches and I can really feel that my clothes are getting loose.



Celine said...

YAY! Good for you !

I hope you'll have a blast in Texas!

carla said...



Carolina John said...

Have a great trip! I hate texas.