Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bad blogger

I've been a horrible blogger. I don't know what my problem is.

Maybe because I don't feel I have much to blog about right now.

My weight isn't moving. I feel like I'm working out like an animal and the weight isn't coming off. I'm 10 pounds heavier than I was last year at this time. It's not where I want to be. But who wants to hear me bitch and moan about that?

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Am I eating too much? Am I not eating enough? I think I need to go back to what I was doing when the weight was falling off and I do but it just doesn't fall off. Is running too much for my body? Am I really not eating enough? What do I need to do to lose the weight? Houston is 2 months away and I want to drop 10 pounds before we go. Yes, I have lost inches, but I want to lose POUNDS. Crying on my scale is not what I want to do. (and yes, I did that this morning).

I'm not UNhappy with my weight, but I don't want to stay at this weight. I want to be leaner. Notice I didn't say skinner. Because that is not what I'm going for. I want to look like this again:No, not drunk and stupid. But in a pair of 8 pants and a small top. With muscle tone that is somewhat THERE.

In other news, I'm getting a new tattoo this weekend. I'm very excited about it. Pictures will be posted.


safire said...

You will get there!

Best of luck to you. Today is the start of a new month and you can do this.

Can't wait to see what you decide to get tattooed.

BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

do you have the ability to compare what you did last year at this time to this year? I came across this blog post today about plateau's I hope that helps!!

Carolina John said...

Sweet! Can't wait to see the new tat.

Bunpoh said...

Man, I can SO identify with this. I also am floundering to figure out what to do to lose fat during a muscle gain phase, and hate that I've been gaining fat, instead. I especially understand the "I want to look like this again" part. I am just trying to have faith that we will keep trying different things until we find what works for us.

Yay, new tattoo! Can't wait to see it.