Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bathing suit hell

I tried on my bathing suit from last summer and it was hell. Who would have thought 15 pounds would make such a big difference? I wanted to cry when I looked at myself. My stomach was just so...so...UGH! I was not happy.

When I come back from vacation, I am kicking this weight loss back into high gear and losing these 15 pounds.

I don't know how I gained the 15 pounds back, but I did. And I'm not happy about it. I know I'm going to go on vacation and I'm going to enjoy myself. But when I get back? Bye-bye 15 pounds.

I will not weigh myself the day after I return. I may wait a few weeks before I weigh myself. I haven't decided yet.

I worked too hard to lose the weight and I won't gain anymore.

I'm all ass and stomach. Why couldn't I get some boobs??


safire said...

Have fun on your vacation! You will get back on the wagon so don't be too hard on yourself!

Anonymous said...

I'm all ass and stomach. Why couldn't I get some boobs??

THIS! I ask myself this all time! My mom has HUGE boobs, so I just don't understand where my tiny little boobies came from. And of course, they're shrinking as I lose weight.

Carolina John said...

I'm still about 15 lbs too heavy as well. it's coming off slowly as I get back into regular tri training, but it's still making me sick. hang in there.

Ann Summerville said...

Looks like you've had some impressive weight loss (before and after pics). I hope you've managed to get back to where you want to be. I've just started again today. It creeps on far too quickly.

Sara said...

I can completely relate. I appreciate your honesty in this post!! You can do this - you did it once before. Hang in there, and I will look forward to see your progress again. :)