Saturday, April 7, 2012

Go away mini eggs!!

Oh, don't you worry. Just because I haven't posted in the past couple of days, doesn't mean I've fallen off the wagon. I've just been super busy.

I'd also like to say I will be really glad when the Cadbury Mini Eggs are gone for the year. Because those stupid assholes have been following me around since Christmas and I am sick of seeing them every time I walk into a store. Honestly. Go away.

Moving along...

I had a fantastic run at the gym this morning. I was going for 3 miles and it turned into 4. Who knew?

My husband wants to lose weight. He hasn't committed to any sort of "plan" but he's trying. I asked him if he wants to join the gym with me, but he doesn't want to. I'm still trying. That would be nice. But he said he would go for walks after work with me. But that is hard because he doesn't get home until 6, sometimes 6:30pm. So....I don't know.

3 weeks from yesterday until Texas. Woohoo!!

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