Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's a Starbucks kind of day

You know it's going to be an AWESOME day when your coworker calls you and asks if you want a Starbucks coffee. Who can say no to that??! Yes, PLEASE! The girl is a SAINT!!

I decided to rest my back this morning and didn't workout. It was still pretty sore and I knew I would be visiting the Chiropractor, but I didn't want to chance it. And I do feel much better. Tomorrow I will be back (in the morning) and back to running. Last week I ran once and as much I as I enjoyed taking a break, I missed running.

Sadly, my sister lost her job yesterday. I feel so badly for her. Sometimes things happen for a reason and I feel this is one of those things, but after 6 years, you know it has to hurt. I know that in no way my job is secure, but I thankful to have a job after 11 years.

I can't believe Easter is this weekend. It sort of snuck up on me. Didn't see it coming. Maybe because the Easter candy has been out since CHRISTMAS? You think that could be it? I can say no to Halloween and Christmas candy, but those damn mini eggs get me every time.


Mrs. S. said...

I hope your sis finds something she likes soon. I lost my job last May and it seriously was a blessing in disguise. I had no idea how truly miserable I was.

safire said...

I hope your back feels better! I'm sorry to hear about your sister. Hope she find new and better opportunities!

When I get starbucks, it really feels like a treat now since I make coffee at home now. I really just get it when I'm in a pinch or traveling :). It makes the day feel bright and sunny though.

Anonymous said...


I want Easter candy now. LOL 4 in the morning, and I want eggs and bunnies.