Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Working out at night is not for me

Sometimes I get it in my head that I'm going to workout after work. And I do it. For a little while. And I remember why I hate working out after I have worked all day.

Last week I worked at after work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Not bad. But tonight I had to really push myself and I remembered why I hate running after I have worked all day. And I'm not going to do that again. Not too mention my back is killing me.

So tomorrow I plan to hit the gym before work. The way I like to. Plus, I only do cardio and don't do weights if I go after work and I like to do both.

I need to go visit the Chiropractor tomorrow, too. I've been slacking when it comes to visiting her and that would be why my back is bothering me tonight.

One thing is for sure, I'll be sleeping really good tonight. And I'm looking forward to my workout tomorrow morning!!


christina said...

I started seeing a chiro when I was preggo and continued post baby - has definately helped my back when it comes to uping my mileage. I can definately tell when I go a week to long between visits!

Im aiming to run after work on thur - I hardly EVER workout after work. I work 12 hour shifts and its just too much. I love hitting the gym at 5am before work but can only do that when hubby is off or on evenings to deal with kids.


Anonymous said...

I love how we all have our little optimum time to work out, and yeah, we can do it at a different time, but it's never as good as when we do it at "our" time.

LOL you're making me feel guilty about needing to play the weights again.

Carolina John said...

Get in there whenever you can! I usually can't go until after the kids have gone to bed. Last night I got in an easy 3 miles on the treadmill at 8 pm. I did sleep great.

Tara said...

I can't work out at night either! It gives me the worst stomach cramps. Plus lately I've been hearing that it's better to eat a little something before you work out in the morning, but I"ve tried that and can't do it :-/