Saturday, December 10, 2011

Back on track

Day one back on track is complete. I ran 4 miles and did 25 minutes with the Bowflex. Let me tell you my legs are SORE from that workout. But it's good. Very good.

Tracked all my food. Drank all my water. And I feel great.

I'm a little stressed out because my Mom will be here on Wednesday and my apartment is not nearly ready. There is still so much to finish. I am so afraid I'm going to hurt my back that I don't lift heavy things and since the hubby was "busy" for most of the day (don't get me started) I was stuck doing the cleaning. As usual. But tomorrow he promised he will help. He'd better. There is still a lot of work to be done.

But the room for my Mom's 70th Birthday party is ready. It's booked for next Sunday. I can't believe she'll be 70!! Her actually Birthday is Saturday and I'm so glad she'll be here to celebrate.

Today went well. Tomorrow will go better. I have 3 days of work. Hopefully I won't have any conference calls (I had 3 this week and 2 of them were Friday). I have a lot to get done before I have Thursday and Friday off. We pick Mom up on Wednesday night. I can't wait to see her. It's been over a year!!

I'm going to bed soon. I'm beat. I have a lot to do tomorrow, too.

Oh and I bought my first Christmas present today. Yep. I'm that behind. Not okay.


BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

What is with hubbies who can't help? ugh.

Don't feel bad about Christmas presents! I've only bought 2 for 1 person so far! Ugh!!

karen said...

This was the best birthday present you could have given me! Even though I read it 4 1/2 hours post-birthday, you wrote it ON and that's what counts. Hooray for being back on track!

Sara said...

Way to go on your training!

Have fun with your mom - it sounds like it will be a wonderful party! :)

Annie, The Amazing Shrinking Girl said...

Awesome job on the training!

I just started training for an 8-miler I have in Feb. so reading up on "running blogs" are my motivation.
