Thursday, December 1, 2011

The one Iwhere I get a flat tire

I thought I was so important today. I dressed all pretty and business like in my pants and top. Made sure my hair looked good (which meant I actually blew it dry and straightened it instead of letting it air dry). I felt good and thought I looked good. I had 2 meetings today and I thought "Hey, look at me. Miss I'm Important Office Manager".

Until I got a flat tire leaving the office I had to drive 40 minutes to and had to get a man to change it for me. No, I do not change my own tires, why do you ask? And what's worse? Another woman changed it for me. It was her and my boss really, but UGH! I think it's time I learn how to change a tire, yes?

So until my husband comes back from vacation I have this damn spare tire on my car. He's in charge of the car stuff. I don't know squat about this crap. Really. Embarrassing.

Anyway. December is here and I'm bound and determined NOT to gain any weight. I started the month off right with a 5 mile run. I'm eating awesome and I feel good, too. The holidays are tough. We're getting a lot of cookies and candy at work. Monday is the holiday party at work. I'm going with the steak and passing on the dessert.

I can do this. We all can do this.

1 comment:

Carolina John said...

yea. My wife is the one who taught me how to change a tire while we were still dating. Talk about making a good impression.