Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What was I doing a year ago??

I've been reading a lot of my older entries from a year ago.

A year ago I was 176 pounds. So I've lost about 10 pounds in a year. It would be 20 if I hadn't gained back 10. That really upsets me. I mean, sure, it could be worse. I could be back at 287 pounds, but seriously? I thought I would be 150 pounds by now.

So what has happened to slow my process and make me gain some weight? What was I doing so differently a year ago? I was eating so much cleaner. And not cheating nearly as much as I am now.

I admit it. I cheat. And I cheat a lot. At least once a week. Which I'm not proud of. I'm not sure why. It's not just because it's the holidays either. Oh, no. I was cheated back before Thanksgiving and my Birthday and all that. It's been going on for awhile. It needs to stop and I need to get a grip and I need to get everything under control. So I can lose the 10 I gained back and the rest of the weight.

I'll figure it out. Because I know I won't go BACK to where I was. That won't happen. I know Weight Watchers is probably the only thing that is going to EVER work for me. I try counting calories but I just don't think it's for me. So I always go back. Always.


Polar's Mom said...

Everyone needs a happy place to re-discover and renew goals, and if weight watchers is your safe haven, then that is great...cause it is better than a pizza, and 6 cupcakes, etc...which used to be mine... Good for you for maintaining so well, because sure you gained 10, but girl you were over 100 pounds heavier than that not maintaining anything but a high calorie diet, right??? Alot changes in a year, but keeping within 10-15% of your low weight is FANTASTIC-don't forget to celebrate the good by being blinded by your goal...this is something I have to tell myself all the time, so I speak from experience! ;-)

Carolina John said...

Keep looking forward, that's all you can do. I'll gladly share details on my plan (the book is starting to come together in my head) that uses software to help track the calories. send me a facebook message if you want the deets.

Sara said...

I admire your honesty. I know exactly how you are feeling. It's hard and it sucks, and I don't want to go back either! I lost about 50 lbs and I have gained back about 20 in the last six months or so. That hurts, a lot. I am trying my hardest to get back on track, but I think this will be a life-long struggle for me. I am thankful to know I am not alone and have support from great people in the blogging community such as yourself!

I know a lot of people who have been successful with WW. I just find it expensive for things I SHOULD be doing on my own! If it works for you, though, I think it would be worth it!

InWeighOverMyHead said...

Going "back" means not giving up so that's awesome. :)

Laura Belle said...

I'm scared to look at my first post, because the year anniversary is coming up in Jan. I don't think i've lost anything, and I have no motivation to try right now. ugh.